Ireland Welcomes You

There are NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS for Ireland. We are actively touring.

Experience the Real Ireland 

There is so much to discover in Ireland, it is one of the most fascinating and diverse countries in the world. History, culture, myths and legends abound throughout the beautiful Irish landscapes. Humor, charm, hospitality and a touch of Blarney run deep through the Irish people. Experience all this with Tours Galore. Find yourself surrounded by Ireland’s majestic countryside, visit hidden beaches and learn about high kings, giants and poets all while traveling with a friendly and fun group on a luxury motor coach.

The heritage, culture and people of Ireland are a major part of our tours. We will share with you 1000’s of years of ancient and turbulent history that has touched the world. From ancient sites that are older than the pyramids of Egypt, through the turmoil of foreign invasions, to the modern day, Ireland has an action-packed and fascinating story to tell. We want all of our customers to love Ireland as much as we do, and so we have put a huge amount of work into every aspect of our tours.

Want to know more? Send us your questions, comments and suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.

About Us

We are John and Mary Nolan owners of Tours Galore  in Cocoa Beach, Florida

John is an Irishman; a native of New Ross, Co. Wexford, and Mary is American born from Duluth, Minnesota with Irish roots also tracing back to Co. Wexford. We met in Florida, married and together started arranging Irish Tours in the early 1990’s. In 1995 we opened our first Irish Gift Shop and in 2004 our second  Irish Gift Shop. When it comes to all things Irish, especially Ireland, we are the experts.

Continue reading “About Us”

Why tour with US?

Our tours are great fun and very informal yet extremely professionally, personally and thoughtfully created.

The Tours Galore experience is more like traveling with a group of friends rather than being on a regular coach tour.

We explore Ireland’s most remote and beautiful places away from the tourist trail, while also visiting Ireland’s best and most worthwhile popular tourist attractions. Our range of tours combine imaginative mixtures of breathtaking scenery, historical sites, local culture, pub crawls, detours & laughs in addition to staying at 4-star centrally located hotels.

We also allow much more flexibility, so if there is something specific that people in the group want to see or do, then we will do our best to arrange it.

There is no feeling of being herded around the country, it is your tour and everyone gets to make decisions. Because of this no two Tours Galore trips will ever be the same

Free time on tour! In the true spirit of Ireland, we like to keep our tours as unhurried and relaxed as possible with flexibility and free time built into the itineraries. We never leave the hotel before 9:00 a.m. making the entire vacation more enjoyable. If you want to take a day off and do “your own thing”, not a problem. When we are in a town for more than one night you may choose to break away from the group. There is no better way to meet the Irish people and experience firsthand their famous hospitality, warmth and humor. “Our goal is that you will leave Ireland relaxed, knowledgeable and mesmerized by its beauty.”

Repeat Customers!!
We have been blessed with the support of great friends and new friends we have met through our shops, pub and tours.  Our biggest and best form of advertising has been word of mouth.  For the past several years we’ve had a minimum of 8 and as many as 15 repeats travelers for the next year.  Although Ireland is only so big we try to change our itineraries a wee bit on each tour, which include both the Republic and Northern Ireland.

Want to know more? Send us your questions, comments and suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.